Saturday, March 5, 2011


She has big dreams , millions of them . Sometimes she knows which path to choose , most of the times she doesn't. She knows they won't understand and doesn't try to make them understand most of the times .She has never expected much from them but she wants to. She loves this world and that's what makes her both love and hate herself . She is careless and childish and she has lost a lot because of that . She never understands the two opposing personalities in her but she knows who wins almost every time. She cries at situations but she knows bad times also go. She has tried hard and still didn't get . But she never has lost . Life's not a battle for her . Life's a beautiful gift which needs to be explored. She's not a fighter ,she is explorer but she wants to be both sometimes  . She is similar yet different . She is smart yet stupid . She doesn't know what life has in store for her but she never wants to change who she is because she loves herself !

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