Theres got to be some way ... 'coz its daunting...its killing me inside...
About people... strange are their ways.. but still i like them all... and that's the most awkward part of me... The people..mostly perverse..obstinate..they never agree...!! Nobody cares.. you laugh or you cry... you feel befriended or you feel desolate and forlorn ... you feel beautiful or ugly.. you win or you lose.. they will be with you when you are in mood mentioned before "or"....
Sooner or later..people get to know you...and by knowing is meant..'the weaker side of you..' which is taken advantage of...!! And they ought to take you for granted... !
No.. they don't change... you just get to know them better with time....
You get hurt and you have to come out of everything by yourself... God isn't going to help you come outta any situation ....."God" : May be its just another name given to hope !!
and.. 'Hope'.. is a great hope in itself... !!
With all this negative energy around me... i still 'hope' .. someday..everything will go right.. and there will be light... an effortless happiness.. and 'stars will shine down' !! :)